E-Mail Magickatus


Everything I do revolves around you
My mind lingers thoughts of you for each beat of my heart
I may not say it aloud
however you are always there
deep within my mind
Our sacred place covered in grace
How serenely I see you, on a river of beautiful flowers
you walk atop; than across to me
in our sacred place beneath this weeping tree
you lean across
And without words you express this incredible love.
This place now alive with
Utopian vigor; faeries dancing all around sounds of happiness played by flutes,clapping hands,stomping feet,& songs of life
That touch just given was wonderous
to know & feel all this
without even hearing your voice
this can never be replaced

This poem is for all things & souls in & have passed through my mind & life
for my Fiancee
thigs are better 
written,words get in the way