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With hints of eve

upon my brow                        it seems as though.......my mind it wonders, forgive me 

Touched between our sacred hour.

A sound~in the wind   relief  a voice - you.   Nervous ? I'm not ~~~~~ hear them calling, flowing in the evening wind-- moist and almost glistening.          tisk this Fantasy...... But at this time as real as flames dancing in my hand they called~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Dear child dance in my                 essence:laugh in  my               soul. 

Now all is one within your Aura. 

I say giggling a whimpered sigh of relief. 

                  to see! although both eyes closed nothing is between yet all is beteen dreams & reality. 

 All is one 



Again I hear........sweet,sweet voices joining to plee       CHILD 

This voice was gone but did so warn..    HARN NONE 

               I PROMISE