This image is copyright Moonfire
The Dragon's Eyes
Dancing around the dragon's eye.
We thrust our swords into the ground.
Fire crackling as their images appear.
Their mighty existence, we see them. They're here.
Small little dragons standing by our side.
Protecting us from danger.
Smell the crisp air of their pride.
Around the circle we stay until the Master Dragons appear.
We ask for them to be with us, guide us throughout the year.
With perfect love and perfect trust we respect the dragons, as we must.
You can look right into their eyes, and not see an end.
These great beast. You can hardly believe they're here to befriend.
Wait on your breath to hear them say their name.
For if they do, you know you'll see them again.
With pounding hearts, and spirits full of joy.
You depart your dragons and say thanks as you whisper good-bye.
What a gift you just received.
For always will you be connected by the dragon's eye.
Wendy Needham