Samhain Blessing to the DEAD
All that once was, all that now is and all that shall be
We offer in truth and innocence on this night.
We seek your presence; yet seek in peace.
We approach you as you approach us.
Judge us not, for we are but humble servants
Treading the chequered path towards the Light.
You are ancient and wise and in you Grace resides.
On this night of thinning veil we desire your presence
To offer you the blessings and understandings of our journeys.
You are wisdom and beauty, vision and clarity.
You are the shining star, our gnosis, the nous at our centre.
Forever knowing what will be, will be
You silently await the return of your children.
We give to you all that we are,
All that we shall become and all that we once were.
For this is our precious gift to you.
Our Lady we offer you back the Love to complete the cycle.
Renewing in your sacred name
We come to you and offer this blessing
Of seal, by fire and souls desire
On this the most scared of nights, our blessing, our love is our gift to you.
Janis Samhain 2010