Dark Moon Rising
There’s a dark moon on the rise tonight,
Sweet fear scents the air.
In blackest skies, from other worlds
A shadow casts its cloak.
A tale once played in ancient times
On this day will be told.
A Harvest sown so long ago
Stands ripened in the Sun.
What was sown will now be reaped,
Tis the blood of every Lamb.
There’s blood and fear upon our lips
And dread in every soul.
We feed the Ones who take and break
Our Oaths put to the test.
Our souls they steal within no bounds,
To spill our Dark Blood on the ground.
Silently in darkest night
In masks known just to them.
Their rightful prize, their precious gold
Will not escape again.
As Dark descends and chaos reigns
The writings yet unfold.
We fall before the ones who map
The fate of every man.
Seize the fear and taste the Blood.
Be counted good and true.
Stay or go – tis up to you.
It is the final test.
As curtain falls upon this world
The tale is finally told.
But those who rid their earthly ties
Will see the Light shine thru.
In deepest, darkest, deathly night
We start our life anew.
Lughnasadh 2007