Flight Path of Time
A soul drifting in the universe,
Seeking the pathway home.
Nearer and nearer yet further away.
Wanting the comfort of home
But still seeking alone.
Swathed in the bubble wrap of time.
Only the stars keep vigil for guidance home.
Only the sun and moon to light the way.
Drifting in a dark void of perpetual timelessness.
Waiting for the corners of time to converge.
Craving recognition.
Desiring of acceptance.
Wanting to leap through the portal of night,
Yet bound by unvalued earthly ties
Binding heavy as gravity,
Laden as my soul.
A creature of flight, caged,
Once plucked from the midnight skies,
By the mocking hand of destiny.
How could this be?
Who has bound this soul?
Come timeless flight!
Come swift wings
And release this soul.
Let drift amongst the stars
And grasp the flight of time.
Let play with the stars,
Seek council with the moon
And glory in the shadow of the sun.
With sword so swift
I pierce this heart that once I owned,
And so shall my blood
Seep upon the earth where once I trod.
I rest in time
I rest in space
The clock ticks
And the Universe just is.
Mabon 2007