Tears of the Wise
For all that I am,
For all that I am within.
For all that I feel.
I give you my tears.
For all that I sense.
For all that I see.
For the pain of this earth that I bear.
I give you my tears.
For the screams in the night.
For the blood on the ground.
For the rape of this land.
I give you my tears.
For the cries in the grove.
For the agonies born.
For the women of blood and of moon.
I give you my tears.
For the joy in this world.
For the magic of life.
For the energies flowing and pure.
I give you my tears.
For the shedding of skin.
For the exposing of soul.
For the stripping away of the old.
I give……you…….my tears.
Jan (moonwillow) July 2004