Feet are solid
On the ground
Dust is swirling
Round and round
Rooted, grounded
Sacred space
Sounds are growing
Cello, bass
Energy entwining
Above, below
Flowing, merging
Transformation slow
Tempest howling
Earth steady
Energy growing
Physical body ready
Casting off shape
Form is a blur
Metamorphosis, streamline
Feathers and fur
Hunting the field
Scaling the height
Snuffling the underbrush
Soaring in flight
Freedom, fluid
The web is strumming
Carefree, unbound
Daylight is coming
Remembrance, pulling
A drawing down
Reverence, reluctance
Cold wind blown
The beating heart
The senses reeling
Stretching, tingling
Awkwardness, feeling
Joy in memory
Warm blood, taste
Physical body
Is not in haste
The wind is quiet
The moon is low
Birds are singing
The horizon aglow
A blessing received
Sustenance given
Time to leave
Inspired ....... driven